The IN List 2024: Dec 30th - Jan 4th
The IN List shares the top experiences and events going on this week in & around Albuquerque. Be sure to keep an eye on Instagram stories from @keepingupinalbuquerque throughout the week for any event changes or additions.
These events are all accurate at the time of posting, but be sure to call ahead or check vendor websites/socials before heading out.
Monday | Dec 30th
Baby Storytime
Bring your littles ones to enjoy an interactive story time that includes early literacy fun with books, songs, finger plays, and body movements followed by playtime with toys. For ages 0-3.
10:30-11:30am, Downtown Branch
Science is Everywhere Winter Break Camp
Are your kids curious about the world around them? Do they have a million questions about how things work? Our Science is Everywhere Camps at the Nuclear Museum are here to satisfy their curiosity and spark their imaginations! At our camps, we don't just answer questions - we engage children in fun and creative activities that will leave them wanting more.
CAMP THEME: All About Atoms Join us as we learn all about the tiny building blocks of the universe. We’ll learn the basics of radiation, model nuclear fission, and even split electrons off atoms. This camp is sure to be fun down to the atomic level.
Students K-6 can register to experience the museum's exciting science and fun STEAM activities. Our education team has divided camp topics into single-day camps with multi-age collaborative camper experiences from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm, with FREE before-and-aftercare starting at 7:30 am and ending at 5:30 pm. For questions about Science is Everywhere Camp, please call 505-245-2137 ext. 134 or
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Free Tango Class
Puerta al Tango welcomes you to try a really fun, chill and non-judgmental style of learning authentic Argentine Tango which is a subtle and dynamic dance between equals
6:00pm to 6:45pm free class (5:30pm studio is open)
All levels welcome
El Paso Rhinos vs New Mexico Ice Wolves Hockey Game
Outpost Ice Arena
Plant Swap
Bring a plant, leave a plant, trade a plant. Expand your current plant library and meet other fellow plant enthusiasts in the community. We will be donating a few plants to get the collection started. Plant your intentions for the week with us Monday nights at our plant swap.
Time: 5-10pm
Every other Monday will be accompanied by live music from Hidden Doors.
Tuesday | Dec 31st
Looking for New Years Eve activities? See all of ABQ’s Must-Do’s Here
Baby Storytime
Bring your littles ones to enjoy an interactive story time that includes early literacy fun with books, songs, finger plays, and body movements followed by playtime with toys. For ages 0-3.
10:15-10:45am, Erna Fergusson Branch
10:15-10:45am, Cherry Hills Branch
11-11:30am, Taylor Ranch Branch
Preschool Storytime
Fun with stories, songs, puppets, and more that encourage development of early literacy skills in young children, using the guidelines from the Every Child Ready to Read program. Each storytime includes time to play with musical instruments, blocks, and more! For pre-readers ages 3 – 5.
10:30-11:15am, Lomas Tramway Branch
11-11:30am, Cherry Hills Branch
Science is Everywhere Winter Break Camp
Are your kids curious about the world around them? Do they have a million questions about how things work? Our Science is Everywhere Camps at the Nuclear Museum are here to satisfy their curiosity and spark their imaginations! At our camps, we don't just answer questions - we engage children in fun and creative activities that will leave them wanting more.
CAMP THEME: Join us for a fun day as we learn about plants, animals, and the environment. We’ll learn about photosynthesis, discover firsthand what owls eat, and more, so come along as we evolve our knowledge about life on Earth.
Students K-6 can register to experience the museum's exciting science and fun STEAM activities. Our education team has divided camp topics into single-day camps with multi-age collaborative camper experiences from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm, with FREE before-and-aftercare starting at 7:30 am and ending at 5:30 pm. For questions about Science is Everywhere Camp, please call 505-245-2137 ext. 134 or
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
El Paso Rhinos vs New Mexico Ice Wolves Hockey Game
Outpost Ice Arena
Wednesday | Jan 1st
Brain Gang Trivia
Brain Gang Trivia every Wednesday! Join us for food, fun, and beer.
Time: 6-8pm
Free Intro to Tango with Class
Interested in learning a new dance? Try Argentine Tango at Juno! It is free and a lot of fun. No partner or experience is required. Please support our venue by buying food and drinks!
Class starts at 7ish. Dancing starts at 8ish (Traditional and Alternative music)
All levels welcome
JUNO Brewery
Free, but please support the venue by purchasing something
Thursday | Jan 2nd
Baby Storytime
Bring your littles ones to enjoy an interactive story time that includes early literacy fun with books, songs, finger plays, and body movements followed by playtime with toys. For ages 0-3.
10:15-10:45am, Cherry Hills Branch
11-11:30am, Taylor Ranch Branch
Preschool Storytime
Fun with stories, songs, puppets, and more that encourage development of early literacy skills in young children, using the guidelines from the Every Child Ready to Read program. Each storytime includes time to play with musical instruments, blocks, and more! For pre-readers ages 3 – 5.
10:30-11:15am, Lomas Tramway Branch
11-11:30am, Cherry Hills Branch
Science is Everywhere Winter Break Camp
Are your kids curious about the world around them? Do they have a million questions about how things work? Our Science is Everywhere Camps at the Nuclear Museum are here to satisfy their curiosity and spark their imaginations! At our camps, we don't just answer questions - we engage children in fun and creative activities that will leave them wanting more.
CAMP THEME: Come along for this brightly colored, enlightening day of fun. We’ll learn how rainbows happen, use physics to make colorful masterpieces, and more, so join us for a camp that will impress you.
Students K-6 can register to experience the museum's exciting science and fun STEAM activities. Our education team has divided camp topics into single-day camps with multi-age collaborative camper experiences from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm, with FREE before-and-aftercare starting at 7:30 am and ending at 5:30 pm. For questions about Science is Everywhere Camp, please call 505-245-2137 ext. 134 or
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Friday | Jan 3rd
Baby Storytime
Bring your littles ones to enjoy an interactive story time that includes early literacy fun with books, songs, finger plays, and body movements followed by playtime with toys. For ages 0-3.
11:15-11:45am, Taylor Ranch Branch
Shreveport Mudbugs vs New Mexico Ice Wolves Hockey Game
Outpost Ice Arena
Science is Everywhere Winter Break Camp
Are your kids curious about the world around them? Do they have a million questions about how things work? Our Science is Everywhere Camps at the Nuclear Museum are here to satisfy their curiosity and spark their imaginations! At our camps, we don't just answer questions - we engage children in fun and creative activities that will leave them wanting more.
CAMP THEME: Join us as we tear apart one of life’s most useful inventions. We’ll fold, cut, and tear our way to some amazing paper creations and even make things that seem impossible. This camp is sure to fold in lots of new scientific knowledge.
Students K-6 can register to experience the museum's exciting science and fun STEAM activities. Our education team has divided camp topics into single-day camps with multi-age collaborative camper experiences from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm, with FREE before-and-aftercare starting at 7:30 am and ending at 5:30 pm. For questions about Science is Everywhere Camp, please call 505-245-2137 ext. 134 or
The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm